Making the Maya World
Course Syllabus, Autumn 2020
What is known today about the ancient Maya? Pyramids, palaces, and temples are found from Mexico to Honduras, texts in hieroglyphic script record the histories of kings and queens who ruled those cities, and painted murals, carved stone stelae, and ceramic vessels provide a glimpse of complex geopolitical dynamics and social hierarchies. Decades of archaeological research have expanded that view beyond the rulers and elites to explore the daily lives of the Maya people, networks of trade and market exchange, and agricultural and ritual practices. Present-day Maya communities attest to the dynamism and vitality of languages and traditions, often entangled in the politics of archaeological heritage and tourism. This course is a wide-ranging exploration of ancient Maya civilization and of the various ways archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists, historians, and indigenous communities have examined and manipulated the Maya past. From the thrill of decipherment to painstaking and technical artifact studies, from tropes of long-hidden mysteries rescued from the jungle to New Age appropriations of pre-Columbian rituals, we will examine how models drawn from astrology, ethnography, classical archaeology and philology, political science, and popular culture have shaped current understandings of the ancient Maya world, and also how the Maya world has, at times, resisted easy appropriation and defied expectations.
Course Description
This course is meant as an introductory-level seminar and assumes no prior knowledge about the ancient Maya, archaeological methods or theories, or the history of research in the Maya region. We will explore those topics together, asking in tandem what archaeologists and others currently know about the past and how they have come to know it.
Each week of the seminar will revolve around a general theme (e.g., “Hidden Cities,” “Big Digs,” etc.), with additional structure provided by key questions that will guide our readings, viewings, discussions, and activities (both asynchronous and synchronous). By the end of the course, students will be familiar with many of the major developments, key players, and ongoing issues in Maya history and archaeology, as well as capable of critically evaluating the historical, social, and political factors that shape current understandings and investigations of the ancient Maya world. The final product for the course, a Shorthand “scrollytelling” webpage, will showcase those skills by presenting a case study from Maya archaeology that highlights the history of research, people involved, and questions and contestations alongside accepted facts about the past.
There are no texts that you are required to purchase for this course. All readings, videos, and images collections will be made available through Canvas, Google Drive, and each week's dedicated Shorthand webpage, either as PDFs or as links to online resources.
Expectations, Workload, and Course Policies
Students are expected to attend synchronous class meetings each week and to come to each session not only having completed all of the assigned readings, but also prepared to discuss them. Each meeting will be prefaced by an online, asynchronous discussion through a Canvas forum, in which students are expected to post a substantive and timely question and/or response. Students should be actively engaged in synchronous meetings and cameras should be turned on during those meetings. If you require any accommodations or exceptions to these expectations, please reach out to me directly as soon as possible. For further information about resources, accommodations, and required paperwork, visit the University of Chicago’s Disability Services Office website.
In total, students should plan to spend about 2-2.5 hours per week on synchronous course activities (always held during the scheduled class meeting time) and an additional 6-8 hours on asynchronous activities. Specifically, this course will have a reading load of about 100 pages per week (~3 hours reading time), usually accompanied by documentary video materials and/or photographic archives (~2 hours of viewing time). Each week’s materials will require additional reflection through participation in a Canvas discussion form (~30 minutes max. of writing time). The final project for the course, a Shorthand storytelling webpage on a topic of your choice, will be completed in several stages, most of which will be peer-reviewed/edited by your classmates (~1-1.5 hours on average per stage and ~1 hour max. of peer-reviewing time). In anticipation of invited speakers, students will prepare and circulate specific questions for our guests (~30 min. max of writing time).
Grading Scale
A (94% and above); A- (90-93%); B+ (87-89%); B (83-86%); B- (80-82%); C+ (77-79%); C (73-76%); C- (70-72%); D+ (67-69%); D (63-66%); D- (60-62%); F (below 60%)
Office Hours (10% of final grade)
I will be available for Zoom office hours on Mondays from 10am-12pm and on Thursdays from 1pm-3pm (CST). Students can make appointments for 15-minute or 30-minute blocks of time (or combinations of the two) using the scheduling program Calendly. If you cannot make any of the meeting blocks available, please write to me and we will find another time.
Two office hours sessions are required: an initial 15-minute meeting after our first class session (September 30-October 5) to introduce ourselves to one another and a 30-minute meeting during reading week (December 2-7) to discuss the rough draft of your Shorthand webpage.
Canvas Discussions/Questions for Invited Speakers (20% of final grade)
Each of our weekly meetings will be preceded by an online discussion. Student will post a response addressing the “Key Questions” outlined for each week in the Course Schedule (below). Responses should be posted by Tuesday at 12 PM CST (i.e., two hours before the week’s synchronous class meeting begins).
Responses should be around 250 words, written in straightforward language. These should not be summaries. Responses should be designed to foment fruitful discussion and debate, engage with both the specifics of the texts and broader weekly themes, and create dialogue among the week’s materials (i.e., do not comment only on one assigned text or video).
In anticipation of weeks in which our discussions will include invited speakers, there will be an additional Canvas forum where students will post specific, substantive questions for our guests. Those questions should also be posted by Tuesday at 12 PM CST before the class meeting for which the speaker(s) will join us.
Synchronous Breakout Group Activities (20% of final grade)
Many weeks will involve breakout group activities or discussions that you will complete during our synchronous class meetings with 1-2 classmates, some of which will include workshopping your Shorthand pages (see below). Breakout activities will not be graded beyond participation.
September 29: Quick-Fire Bibliographies
October 6: Maya Ruins and the Passage of Time - Jay Frogel and Frederick Catherwood
October 20: Maya in Unexpected Places
November 3: Digging the Glyphs
November 10: Shorthand Media/Outline Workshopping
November 17: The Maya at the Movies
Final Project (50% of final grade)
For the final project, each student will build a “scrollytelling” page on an approved topic of their choosing, using Shorthand. Shorthand is a digital storytelling platform used by a number of media outlets and institutions (e.g., BBC News, Sky News, the TODAY Show, UNICEF, the University of Cambridge, etc.), which has been made available to our course for free. “Scrollytelling” describes longform stories that incorporate audio, video, and animation effects that are triggered as a reader scrolls through the narrative. (This syllabus page is built using Shorthand).
Your Shorthand pages should explore the kinds of theories and themes discussed in this class, but in a particular context beyond the scope of the syllabus. For example, you might create a page that presents an “alternative” tour of a well-known archaeological site by focusing on the more recent history of research at the site rather than its ancient stories, detail the intellectual genealogies and social networks of a particular institution or excavation project, or provide a critical review of the history, influences, and impacts of specific New Age/pseudoarchaeological authors. Whatever your topic, your Shorthand page should showcase the knowledge that you gain throughout the quarter, but also contribute something new to the materials we will cover. Your Shorthand pages will not be made public, but may be shared within the university beyond our course (bear this in mind when considering your potential audience).
Shorthand pages will be built slowly over the course of the quarter and involve several stages of planning, drafting, and editing:
October 5, Existing Shorthand site review (10%): Choose a case study from the Shorthand website or Pinterest board and review the page, paying attention to the use of the platform’s features, the relationships between text and imagery, and the narrative structure. Be prepared to discuss your evaluation of the page during our synchronous class meeting on October 6.
October 12, Shorthand practice page (10%): Create a page about yourself to practice using the Shorthand editor (you may wish to view some Shorthand tutorials). Your page should include at least one of each of the following Shorthand sections: Text Over Media, Background Scrollmation, Reveal, and Media or Media Gallery.
October 26, Shorthand proposal (10%): Prepare a proposal (with the understanding that plans may change over the course of the quarter), that presents your topic of choice and a rough sketch of how you envision the narrative and media of your Shorthand page coming together. There is no specific length for the proposal, but it should address the following questions:
1. What question or issue does your story tackle? Why is it of interest to you and why would it be of interest to others?
2. Has this story been told before? If so, why does it merit retelling? If not, why not?
3. What resources do you have to tell this story? What bibliography, images, interview, or original data do you have at your disposal?
November 9, Shorthand media/outline (15%): Upload at least 1 map, 6 images, 1 video, and 1 animation to your Shorthand page in the general outline you envision for the final product (the text does not need to be finalized - you may leave Shorthand’s placeholder text).
November 24, Complete rough draft of Shorthand page (15%)
November 30, Peer edit of Shorthand page rough drafts (15%): Each student will read, evaluate, and comment on another’s draft (including the text, images, organization, etc.). Be prepared to workshop/discuss your own Shorthand pages and your edits during our synchronous class meeting on December 1.
December 8, Final Shorthand page (25%)
Extra Credit (2% of final grade)
During the first week of the quarter (October 1-4, 2020), the American Foreign Academic Research organization (AFAR) will be hosting the 14th annual “Maya at the Playa” conference. This year, the event will be held virtually, with all lectures and workshops taking place over Zoom. If you would like to earn extra credit, write a short review (c. 250 words) of one of the lectures, addressing the following questions:
1. Why did you choose the lecture that you attended? What captured your interest about the speaker or the topic?
2. What was the speaker’s main argument?
3. Did the speaker draw on earlier excavations, decipherments, theories, or other information/data in building his/her claims?
4. How did the speaker convey information during the lecture? Was it easy to follow, difficult to understand, surprising in certain ways?
Academic Honesty
Making references to the work of others strengthens your own work by granting you greater authority and by showing that you are part of a discussion located within an intellectual community. When you make references to the ideas of others, it is essential to provide proper attribution and citation. Failing to do so is considered academically dishonest, as is copying or paraphrasing someone else's work. Such offenses are punishable under the University’s disciplinary system. In general, any written or electronic source consulted (or any material used from that source, directly or indirectly), should be identified. If you are in doubt about what constitutes the “use” of a source, how proper citation should be done, or anything regarding academic honesty, please ask.